Fact file
Name: Dodo
Status: Extinct
Habitat: Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean. This was the dodo's only home.
Description: Large flightless bird. We don't know exactly what it looked like. We have to rely on old pictures and the few bones and skins we have left - like the ones we have on display in the Museum.
Reasons for extinction:
The dodo only lived on one island - Mauritius. When sailors arrived in the sixteenth century they found that the dodo was very easy to catch, and even though it didn't taste very nice, many were eaten.
The dodo's natural habitat was almost completely destroyed after people started settling on Mauritius. And when pigs, cats and monkeys were introduced, they added to the problem by eating the dodo and its eggs.
The last confirmed sighting of a dodo was in 1681 and by the end of the 17th century there were no dodos left.